Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raisins?

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raisins?

Raisins are many people’s favourite snack. They are naturally sweet and tasty but are still good for your body. In a way, eating raisins is a much better alternative to munching on candies.

But can guinea pigs also eat them? Well, the simple answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat raisins. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should feed it to them.

Guinea pigs love to eat. If you own guinea pigs, you are well aware that these furry little creatures love to chew on food all day long. So it comes as no surprise that they love to eat raisins as well. However, just because they love it doesn’t mean that you should feed them daily or make it a regular part of their diet. Consider feeding them basil and other healthy snacks as well.

Let’s read more facts about raisins and how they affect guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raisins
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raisins

Can guinea pigs have raisins?

As we have already discussed earlier, guinea pigs can consume raisins. However, you should understand that just because they can eat certain foods and seem to enjoy them doesn’t mean you have to feed them all the time. You should only seldom feed them raisins. You may even skip this food from your diet plan entirely.

In this article, we shall talk about the benefits of raisins for guinea pigs, how much they can eat without harming their bodies, and if it hurts them in any way.

Are raisins suitable for guinea pigs?

Raisins are very chewy and soft, making them irresistible for guinea pigs who love to chew on food. Raisins are also very delicious and work as a healthier version of snacks; therefore, they are hard to keep your hands away from.

However, since raisins contain a lot of sugar, it is not suitable for the digestive system of your guinea pig. Not only this, too much consumption of raisins can lead to oral health problems such as rotting teeth.

This is not to say that a single raisin can prove to be fatal to a guinea pig. Instead, it is good to feed your guinea pigs a well-balanced meal that includes sugar intake as well. As long as you maintain a healthy schedule and monitor their raisin intake in a day/week, your guinea pigs will not be harmed.

We can also talk about the benefits of raisins for guinea pigs. Giving them one or two pieces of raisin in a week will not do any harm to their health. They need this essential sugar from the raisins for good health. Some of the benefits of raisins for your guinea pig are:

Guinea Pigs Eating
Guinea Pigs Eating

Fiber content:

Raisins contain a high level of fibre, which is essential for the digestive process of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are reliant on fibrous foods to prevent any digestive problems. Timothy hay is known as the best diet food for guinea pigs since it is very high in fibre content.

If your guinea pigs do not get enough fibre from their food, they may suffer diarrhea or constipation.

Vitamin C content:

Since guinea pigs are incapable of producing their own Vitamin C, they face the difficulty of obtaining this essential vitamin from external sources. Vitamin C deficiency is strongly associated with scurvy, so your guinea pigs could suffer from it if you are deficient.

Niacin/ Vitamin B3 content:

Niacin is known for lowering cholesterol levels in your bloodstream. This prevention helps to keep all chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems at bay. Vitamin B3 is good even as a stress reliever and is sometimes called the happiness hormone.

Iron content:

Iron in raisins helps keep your guinea pig’s blood healthy, which also prevents anemia in your guinea pigs. It helps produce more red blood cells, which helps prevent your guinea pigs from diseases such as anemia.

Vitamin E content:

The Vitamin E that you find in raisins is there to help maintain healthy fur and skin for guinea pigs. Vitamin E reduces inflammation and prevents the risk of cancer for your guinea pigs. It can also help get rid of early signs of aging.


Zinc is an essential mineral found in raisins that helps in boosting immunity and even helps in faster healing.

Riboflavin content:

Vitamin B12 or riboflavin helps your hamsters in the digestive process. It breaks down food quickly and helps the body convert food into energy. Not only this, but your guinea pigs will also experience a well-balanced oxygen flow in the body.

Low-fat content:

Raisins are dehydrated grapes and hence are very low in fat content. Because of this, raisins are also good for your hamster’s blood vessels as they do not clog them up.

Guinea Pigs on the Grass
Guinea Pigs on the Grass


Thiamine is essential for improving all the major organs of your guinea pig’s body, such as the brain, heart, and stomach. It also helps in the improved functioning of the muscles and nerves in the body.

Mineral content:

Essential minerals such as calcium are present in raisins. Although baby guinea pigs are recommended to take calcium for the strong growth of bones, older guinea pigs should not have too much calcium. Too much calcium in the diet for older guinea pigs can be fatal since it directly affects the urinary system.

How many raisins can guinea pigs eat?

Since raisins are not the best diet foods for guinea pigs, the recommended serving size is not more than one or two pieces of raisin in a week. You can feed it to them as a treat and not part of their meal plan.

If you feed them too many raisins, guinea pigs could suffer from weight gain and stomach problems.

Raisins are naturally sweet, so they can cause a spike in the blood sugar levels of your guinea pigs, which will lead to weight gain and eventually obesity. Too many raisins can also result in rotten teeth and mood swings due to the high sugar content.

Final thoughts

Even if your guinea pigs love eating raisins, don’t cave into their cute faces and give it to them in huge quantities. Always watch how much you feed them in a week to prevent causing any harm to their digestive systems and overall health.

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